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Health, Review

Reviewing Progress: Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC) Project.

CIHP, DAI (and more recently, TA Connect) as well as the Kaduna State government conducted a review of the implementation of the G-ANC adoption in Kaduna with the objective of assessing successes and lessons learned from phase one of the projects. The 3-day Strategic ReviewMeeting…

Lifestyle, Tech

Little Known Ways To Rid Yourself Of Tech

Duis sollicitudin nibh et libero rhoncus ultricies. Maecenas risus ipsum, imperdiet ac luctus sit amet, volutpat nec libero. Fusce mattis non nisi quis tincidunt. Donec dictum velit sed feugiat laoreet. Sed justo magna, sollicitudin et dignissim ac, venenatis at tortor. Sed finibus faucibus tincidunt. Mauris…